Monday, June 29, 2009

"Strive for excellence, not perfection, because we don't live in a perfect world." ~ Joyce Meyer

Just wanted to show some of the things we have been working on. We as in me and my honey, who helps cutting wood and other manly stuff. LOL not really I'm just scared of the skill saw!

That's me!

I think maybe this should of said "beware of the snap dragons" but alas. no more room. : )

My favorite quote from Joyce Meyer!

Anyone want any weeds?!

That is my fantastic husband staining the boards for our raised bed shade garden.

Now I'm just bragging. My husband built this fold down work bench for the garage because he was sick of me using his work space, now we have separate areas. Now if only I can convince him to paint it....

Its amazing what a coat of paint will do

The trellis my honey made me!!! But what do I put on it?? Clematis or climbing Roses???

The bed with the snapdragon sign...for obvious reasons : )

I hope everyone has a great day and Happy Gardening!
PS. We need a rain dance too!