Saturday, September 13, 2008

Amazingly Blessed!

I have been meaning to write this post for about a week. But unfortunately every time I thought of taking a picture of it It was covered with dirty dishes and then I would get them cleaned up and then forget. So here it is.

About two weeks ago my microwave messed up. No it didn't really quit working it just quit... smelling normal. I mean it STANK! Well, after some thought I remembered why it was smelling so bad. A couple of days before I put a bag of chicken in the microwave to defrost it , so we could cook it for dinner. Well it leaked. Poultry juice into my microwave. And because I didn't really think it had leaked as much as it had I didn't clean it up. BIG MISTAKE. Because after a day or two every time I would heat up baby food I would smell that raunchy smell. YAY! Well, it was so bad that I just took the microwave out and put it on the porch. Yeah, smart idea, right?

After a trip to Wal -mart, we realized that we didn't have the money to buy a microwave :(. So after a couple of days of doing without it I sucked it up and cleaned it. It was so disgusting.

But it was still the same ole disgusting microwave. But I was going to have to deal with it, so deal with it I did.

The get away vehicle!

Baby Alex before the drama.

So Monday we decided to go for a walk. Me, the baby, and a stroller with two Kitty's following us as we walked around our neighborhood. Now you may think that this is pretty normal. Its not. We never go walking outside because the area we walk is full of hills. And while that may be good for your butt it is not fun pushing a stroller. So as we went down the last hill before we headed home and I spotted it. On the curb, it was black, and it was a microwave! YAY! Well, my first thought was OMG what if the mail woman thinks I'm crazy? OK who cares? Its just the mail woman. Next thought was what if they think it looks pretty on the curb and I pick it up and they come running out screaming and yelling about stealing there yard ornament (what others like calling a microwave) ? Well that was quickly dismissed since it was on the curb and they weren't home. Thank God. Because them being home would have made the next part of this story all the more embarrassing! The next thought I had was how in the crap am I supposed to get that home?? I had a stroller with a sleeping baby and no room for a microwave. Well, I done what any desperate woman would do. I somehow managed to balance the microwave on the top of the stroller while pushing a stroller... up a hill. So I am so embarrassed by this point that I am trying to run at the same time. I mean, what if they came home?? Or if somebody stopped to ask me what I was doing? Or even worse after all this effort what if it didn't work??? This is were I was confident that my really great mechanically inclined husband would come in handy. And in that mind set I continued up that hill struggling against the stroller and a huge microwave. But I made it home, no one saw me and not only that my husband replaced a fuse and bam! it worked!

YAY!!! So here is my new microwave. And it just proves that God works within no lines. and no boundaries. He really did provide my smallest needs and even alot of my wants. He is a great awesome God who is worthy of my/our praise!

Friday, September 12, 2008


So last night I watched Sex and the City. Yeah I know. Very extremely out of character for me. I mean maybe when I was single I would have LOVED IT and probably would have went to the theater and watched it with a girlfriend, of course. But since I am a Christian and I am married with a baby it kinda contradicts everything in my life. Every once in a while though I like to see how the other side lives. You know the single population. Oh, I so remember those days. I loved cosmopolitan and getting my hair done and always having great skin. But alas it is no more. My cosmopolitan has been replaced by baby world and better homes and Garden and now that I am on this whole trying to lose weight thing fitness, and self. (please ignore the bad sentence structure, I really am bad at run on sentences and using the word and a million times!) My hair getting done has been replaced by buying a pack of hairbands. And my great skin has been replaced by... well... my skin really isn't that bad. Its just not what it use to be. My preoccupations no longer revolve around looking good, but more around my baby and my husband.

Ok, I know, rambling. SO back to the movie. I liked it. It was long at 2 1/2 hrs. very long in my opinion considering that they could have condensed it and been fine. But I believe that the reason they made it SO LONG was to placate the millions and millions of Sac fans. I personally never had cable so I have never seen a whole episode.

I am not going to write a review on this movie, but I do have a point. Watching this movie though made me not only remember what was so great about being single but it made me realize that the entire time I was single (except a few months) I wanted to get married or at least not be single. I never really appreciated the fact that I could engross myself in a sappy romantic comedy or a really fem magazine for hours, or the fact that I could spread green slime on my face and never wonder if my husband was thinking "is this what being married is all about? What happened to the woman that I thought was effortlessly beautiful?" (yeah effortlessly, naivete, is great, right?)
I never appreciated that I could do whatever whenever I wanted. ( I didn't, though) LOL

So the point is that this movie is not only for those singles who are desperately seeking those two L's, love and labels. This is for the wife who stays at home all day balancing trying to keep a clean house, a teething baby, and trying to look good. The one who is kinda bored and sometimes gets stuck in the routine of daytime TV. The one who is slobbered and spit up on more that she is kissed.

This is especially for the one who wants to learn a new appreciation of the man she fell in love with and the life she left behind. The absolute, amazing, perfect union that she waited so long for. The one that made her realize that all the waiting was worth it
And that given the chance she wouldn't give up those singleton years for ANYTHING.
Dedicated to the man that will always have my heart. My husband.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11

Okay so today is September 11. 7 years from the terriorist attacks that have changed the whole country. I just thought I may say a little about it to salute those who have died and continue to die for our freedom and safety. Today is the day that no matter your political affiliation we should come together to pray for those who are in Iraq fighting and the families of those who died in the attacks.
God Bless America!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Daydream Tulips

Its just about time to plant bulbs and grass and I am so very excited! Last year I was VERY pregnant so not only was I not able to move enough to plant them. We also didnt have any extra money seeing as we had to buy baby stuff $$$.

So today when we went to Wal-Mart I bought some tulips and hycianths!! YAY!

I had a very hard time figuring out what colors of Tulips to get. But I finally decided to get 12 of the big smile which is yellow and 12 of the daydream which is kinda orange and yellow. The contrast between the yellow and the green should be beautiful.
Now the problem is going to be finding out exactly where a want to put them. I am hoping a can spare a little bit of money on Friday so I can buy some more. I mean for 12 tulip bulbs is was $4 and 6 of the hycianths were $4. Anywhere else they have been 10.00!!
So this is a cheers to WAL-MART! :)
The picture is the daydream tulip. Arent they BEAUTIFUL???

Happily ever after

OK, so this is my very very first blog for "blogger" and I am very excited. This is not my first blog in general though. I do have blogs on myspace and sparkpeople. But not a blog like this.My plan going into this is to talk about anything that really interests me. NOT POLITICS. not because I am rebelling against "the man" but because I don't believe it is really going to help anything. I mean how many political blogs are out there? My guess is ALOT! Although I do have a blog on my myspace speaking of why I am voting for who I am voting for. Did you get that?? :)

So maybe I should say something about myself as an introduction. Oh where to start. How can you summarize a life by a couple of paragraphs?? I don't really know but I am going to try.

I am a Christian. I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and I am trying, with his help, to live a Godly life that leads people to him. Although I do believe the most powerful testimony you will ever have is your very own life. "practice what you preach".

I am living my HAPPILY EVER AFTER! I mean truly, I am. I waited for so long for God to send me the man he had for me and I am so glad I did. He is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. He really is my Prince Charming. <3

Married on March 31, 2007 . A week after we got married we conceived a baby. I was sick as a dog the entire 9 months. I had to quit my job. Although we had already planned for me to stay at home when the baby was born. We were living in a two bedroom apartment but we had no room to put a baby. Plus I really wanted to decorate the nursery!! Well, we didn't have a nursery. We hardly had room for a bassinet much less a crib. So in August 2007 we bought a house. YAY!

Its a great little house with a front porch that runs the entire length of the house. A double garage, three bedrooms, and two bathrooms. I love it! I cant wait to raise our children in this quaint little neighborhood.

So the entire time I was pregnant I measured too large, so they thought I was carrying too much fluid. I had like 6 ultrasounds. In 3d!! YAY! I loved having each and every one! I would sit with the ultrasound and just close my eyes and imagine what that beautiful child would look like.

I was due on Jan. 2 2008. On December 28, they gave me another ultrasound. THANK GOD! Because he was frank breech (he was head up) AND he was measuring at 11 pounds! So needless to say I had a c-section that evening. And my beautiful 9 IB 15oz, Alexander Isaac was born.

A week and a half after his birth I had surgery again. I had mrsa in my c-section. Yeah that was an ordeal. I now appreciate every moment I can walk and take care of my baby on my own. Because then I could not.

So now I am on a weight loss mission to lose the rest of the baby weight to get fit. Plus I want to become a better person all the way around. And this is my journal to doing so.

So there is my last two years in 6 paragraphs. Now your up to date.