*first of all the worst news. My dad has had lung cancer for three years he has went through chemo, radiation, hes lost his hair and now I believe he is on the last leg of his journey. He was in the hospital for about a week when mom called 911 because he had become unresponsive. He would have died right then had mom not called. His cancer is in his lung, hip, spine, brain and I'm sure other place in smaller doses. But they have called hospice in and they go over to there house on mon, wed, and fri. His is just about completely out of his mind and he can hardly walk. but they say its just a "process". His mind goes before his body. Therefore he retains the strength of before but he is incapable of doing the right thing with it.
On to better things..

*Last Saturday we went to the dart Christmas party. YAY! It was actually pretty fun. It was in a beautiful ballroom with a DJ and FOOD! But even better than the party was buying a new outfit for it and of course shoes. (because pregnancy took my normal size 8s to 8 1/2 . yeah it made them BIGGER! so now I cant wear ANY of my shoes :(
But I mean I was able to get new shoes so its not THAT bad. Did I mention that they are BEAUTIFUL???
and just as a side note. I am SO SICK of hearing happy holidays!!!!
I want to hear Merry Christmas! I mean that's was Christmas is about CHRIST!!!
so OK I'm done. but truly
Merry Christmas
Jesus is the reason for the Season
Merry Christmas!! May Christ presence remain strong with your family. I admire your strength.
Merry Christmas to you and your family. Your dad is in our prayers.
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